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CannaChar (Formula 1)

ElementC6, Inc. had a mission when they started their company: Bring sustainable, results-driven agricultural innovations to commercial and consumer growers. Their new CannaChar is just that. By mining what the ancient Brazilians of the...


Wanna get a grip on your garden? Well, C-bites do that—and more! You no longer have to worry about the effects of gravity with these simple and durable gardening grips as they clip onto...
Smart Pot CLIP

Smart Pot

Looking for the perfect container for your plants? Well, the folks at Smart Pot wanna help. Their new soft-sided, fabric container has the special talents of aerating and air-pruning your babies...which means they will...
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House of Jane’s Brew

A house of gourmet cannabis-infused coffee and teas, HOJ's products have been wowing dispensaries in California with its smart packaging, great taste and responsible dosing. Whether you are medium roast person or a cappuccino...
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Get Mellows Handcrafted Marshmellows

Marshmellows might be thought of as just for kids, but these 12-piece boxed low dosage treats–brown butter sage, cookies & cream, orange dreamsicle, peanut butter pretzel, S'mores, strawberry shortcake—are strictly adult fare. The perfect...
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Lifted Elevated Edibles

Priding itself on making savory and medically-sound morsels, Lifted's Pineapple Delight Bites received second place for Best Edible at High Times 2015 NorCal Cup. Made with fried pineapples and dusted nuts with hash-infused coconut...

Blueberry Terra Bites

It doesn't get any tastier for a blueberry lover than Kiva's Terra milk & white chocolate blueberry bites. Heaping's of dried blueberries are coated with cocoa powder mixed with chocolate and raspberry powder to...


Conceived at the foot of the Rocky Mountains by three forward-looking scientists, Cannibles is a baking mixture (brownies, peanut butter, chocolate chip) that allow you to make your own delicious edibles at home—just like...

Shine Papers

Shine Gold Rolling Papers—made with 24 karat gold dust—will turn heads no matter what party or club you frequent. You'll even have all your friends fighting over what's left of your J, which burned...

Jack Puck

Proving once again that TrimPro is the gold standard for innovation, Jack Puck has set the industry ablaze with its revolutionary ability to transform plant extracts into paste while removing excess water. Replete with...