Advanced Storage Solutions Keep Medicine Safe

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Storing stash has evolved way beyond the old school Ziploc® baggie, and is the responsibility of not just the consumer but also the retailer providing storage solutions to them. So what kind of containers are available to consumers to keep medicines fresh, safely stowed and protected from anyone—especially minors—that shouldn’t have access? Current rule of thumb says the best storage...

K1 is “Trippy, Chill, & Sensual”

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K1 helps to enhance a surprising part of our lives. Ahhh, the "sex talk." At a very young age, we knew there'd be a day when our parents would sit us down for the birds and the bees talk. I got off easy on this front. Mine went something like this. Mom: "So, you had the sex class in school...

Is Canna Christmas (420) Green Answer to Black Friday?

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Brick and mortar retail has struggled to keep up profitability in recent years.  According to Time Magazine, in 2015, Black Friday sales fell one billion dollars from the previous year. Many aspects of our lives are changing as we enter the digital age. The change is highly visible within the retail sphere. Gone are the days where consumers were constrained...


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"The chocolate space is generally a dull category with most products packaged in brown and gold or black and gold boxes," says Something Chocolate founder Mitchell Koulouris before I can even get the word chocolate out of my mouth. Koulouris, like most cannabis professionals and entrepreneurs, has a storied background before Something Chocolate: He was the CEO a digital aggregator...

Medical Cannabis Continues the Case Against Opiates

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Prescription opiates seem to be abused at a lower rate in states that have legalized the use of medical cannabis. A University of Johns Hopkins study confirms, through analysis of death certificates, that states without medical cannabis experience a 25% higher rates of deaths attributed to prescription overdoses. “In absolute terms, states with a medical marijuana law had about 1,700...

How to Cultivate Brand Disciples

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When people hear the word “brand,” they often think of just a name and a logo. But your brand is the soul of your company, and a great one can be the seed from which a huge business and loyal customers grow. Consider Apple, which according to one of its business development and training executives, is “among the world’s greatest...

CARERS Act: Panacea Or Pipe Dream?

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On March 10 of this year, three U.S. senators proposed a legislative solution to the federal obstacle against legalization of marijuana nationwide on a state-by-state basis. Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand , Sen. Rand Paul and Sen. Cory Booker joint-sponsored the CARERS ACT and introduced it in the Senate during the 114th Congress as S.683, causing a groundswell of...

The Fast-Growing Cannabis Spa Movement Has A New Twist

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Primal Therapeutics mobile massage company is bringing the cannabis spa movement to your living room. "What am I going to do? Rub cannabis all over people and tell them how good it is for them?" Jordan Person has just returned to the office after filming a special for a Swedish TV show. They want to know what everyone else wants to...

The Kiosk King Is Here To Help

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As dispensary owners struggle with financial services and e-commerce issues, Payteller and Jane founder Jeff Foster is betting that his revolutionary cash management kiosk can boost profits—and confidence. You've been in the e-commerce and retail payment business for over 15 years. You've just entered the cannabis industry with your knowledge. What was your thinking here? We were already in the kiosk...

No, Your Dog Won’t Get High With CBD

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But Your Dog Could Get Healthy All mammals have an endocannabinoid system, and that’s good news for you and me and my dog Jackson. The EC system, aside from enabling many important neurological functions, also allows all creatures great and small to receive the beneficial effects of cannabinoids like THC and CBD. But while you and I may enjoy an occasional...