Tip Jar: Dispensing Medicine With Budtender Bri Finell of ShowGrow

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About a year after enrolling at Golden West College, Bri Finell met a fellow student who managed a ShowGrow in Santa Ana, California. “Right when...

Lawmakers Consider Expanding New York Medical Marijuana

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Authorities are seeking to double the number of companies that can legally produce marijuana in New York. A report was released this week by the...

California Recreational Marijuana Could Be $6 Billion Industry

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If voters pass Prop 64, California recreational marijuana could become a $6 billion industry by 2020. ArcView Market Research's report predicts that California recreational marijuana...

Cannabis Professional Advancement Series Coming to Denver

The Cannabis Professional Advancement Series (CPAS) will be held on Friday, September 16, at the University of Denver. The event will include 9 lectures and...

Oregon Nets $25.5 Million in Marijuana Taxes for 2016

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In the first half of 2016 Oregon has collected more in marijuana taxes than state officials predicted. The Oregon Department of Revenue is reporting that...

Kyle Kushman’s August mg Cover Shoot

Intelligence, integrity, and excellence are a few of the qualities that describe one of cannabis culture’s most recognizable and approachable weedlebrities, Kyle Kushman. His...

Bud Posters Is Providing High Art for Upscale Dispensaries

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A few years back, Bud Posters President Mike May launched Gym Poster, a very successful poster line for the fitness industry. “I’m not really a gym...

Missouri Prosecutors Trying to Stop Medical Marijuana

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Missouri prosectors are are fighting to keep the state from becoming the 26th to legalize medical marijuana. Last week an affidavit was filed in Missouri...

Tip Jar: Dispensing Medicine With Budtender Ray Perique of Evergreen Market

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Ray Perique, 24, has an extensive background in retail and customer service. He’s worked the sales floor for such companies as Spencer’s Gifts and Liz...

Close to 500K Marijuana Arrests in California Over the Past Decade

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A recent report by the Drug Policy Alliance found that there were approximately 500,000 arrests for marijuana in California from 2006-2015. The report highlighted several...