Baked Bros Syrup! It’s a More Effective Way of Medicating

Baked Brothers THC Syrup 600MG bottles 4 clip web
Baked Brothers THC Syrup 600MG bottles 4 clip web

Q&A with Nadeem Al-Hasan, founder, Baked Bros   

Why syrup?
We were making brownies, cakes, chocolate, caramels, cereal-bar footballs, etc. These all have something in common: All are difficult to dose, especially if you’re trying to find your dose. So, we thought “Western medicine has always used syrups, pills, and needles to dose, so why not do that?” The syrup is much more bioavailable than many other edibles, allowing more of the medicine to be absorbed as opposed to it being wasted. It’s a more effective way of medicating.

Baked Bros, edibles, products, marijuana What have you learned so far?
First, diversity: We serve so many different patients. It’s really an eye opener to what this beautiful medicine can do.


Secondly, impact: We have several patients that were on high doses of opiates, and now they are completely off them.

Lastly, quality is consistency: Medicine getting the same effect every time is out-of-this-world important.

How are sales?
In 2016, our sales doubled over 2015. We expect them to double again as we launch more education programs and more patients become available to serve.

Baked Bros
