Group Proposes New Framework for Evaluating Hemp Product Safety

Cbd hemp oil - Woman taking cannabis oil in tea cup - Focus on drop
Photo: Nuva Frames / Shutterstock

TUSTIN, Calif. — As reports of unexpected side effects related to hemp products rise and poison control centers across the country struggle with calls about delta-8 THC, a new initiative led by industry experts has established a set of 55 robust standards to protect consumers.

CBD Oracle’s proposed new framework helps hemp consumers find products that are safe, efficacious, and reliable. Crucially, it also gives the industry a clear set of guidelines as to what customers expect.


“Consumers shouldn’t be playing Russian roulette when they buy a hemp product,” said CBD Oracle’s medical advisor, Dr. Abraham Benavides. “Many companies do the bare minimum when it comes to things like safety testing, while those prioritizing customer safety are often undervalued. Moreover, numerous companies misrepresent isolates and synthetic terpenes as “full-spectrum,” undermining true efficacy. This framework aims to empower consumers and healthcare providers to demand higher standards from the industry.”

The report highlights serious industry problems, noting that not only are labels often inaccurate, but also safety testing is often entirely skipped, high-THC products sometimes don’t include an intoxication warning, substantive age verification is rare, and there are unintended byproducts in basically every delta-8 THC product.

This leaves customers in a difficult position, often advised to “check lab reports” without acknowledging that fake reports are common or often don’t include crucial tests for residual pesticides and solvents, or heavy metal contamination. The CBD Oracle team spoke to experts from the industry, scientists, medical professionals, lawyers, and regulators to gather more concrete suggestions for choosing cannabinoid products that are safe, effective, and reliable.

The framework covers the whole process, from crop cultivation to product marketing. Among many other requirements, the framework requires US-grown hemp, with extracts taken from flower using a method like CO2 extraction which maximizes beneficial compounds while minimizing risks, lab reports that include safety tests and show cannabinoids at within 10% of the labeled amount, and responsible marketing which does not appeal to youth.

Access the full report (including methodology) here.

About CBD Oracle

CBD Oracle is a consumer research company working to improve the safety and transparency of cannabinoid products, producing in-depth research pieces along with analysis of social and legal issues.
